Danny Phantom Cartoon Sex

Danny Phantom Porn Story: Astra Luminari – Chapter 3

Danny Phantom Porn Story: Astra Luminari – Chapter 3

Astra Luminari

By: Garnet Sky

Disclaimer: I don’t own Danny Phantom.

“The night is come, but not too soon.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Hastening the Night

Each of the four ghosts took a cardinal direction for themselves in the Archipelago. It was evenly decided that since this was Danny’s lair, he would have the main job of defense; he was the only one who could enter the House, the heart core of the star isles.

Ember’s fire garden ran rampant with reds, golds, and fire ice blooms. Tiny goblin-unicorns with drop rubies for eyes dwelt near the Rivers of Flame on Hellohat Isle, her home base in the West.

Kitty and Johnny shared the South and East. The dominant fauna of the islands there were wraith dwarfs–flesh-eating underground dwellers. (Twice now, they’ve tried to eat Shadow, but for some reason, they can’t figure out how he’s managed to escape.) On the star isle of Tyria, they meet twice daily for a tryst amidst towering cliffs and majestic waterfalls and vast old-growth forests.

Phantom’s northern lands were deserts of ice with few daylight hours. Large furred woolcats roamed the ice fields and contended with ivory-tusked star-holts over the choice fruits of the short growing season. Ice birds, starry spinefish, great whales, and other exotic fish roamed beneath the wild waves.

Soon after his arrival, Phantom’s cryokinesis developed a strange twist.

“Hi, Danny!” Ember waved, from her northernmost isle, Um.

“Hi, Ember!” he spelled out in fiery wisps of blue ice. He landed gently and bowed low in respect.

“Whoa!” she exclaimed, “that’s new.”

“Yeah,” he laughed, as she dragged him further inland.

The days were idyllic and peaceful. The only trouble occurred when Kitty’s pet jewelsnake ate Ember’s columbines, which in turn was eaten by the wraith dwarfs.

“Sorry, Ember, I didn’t know it ate flowers,” she apologized at Saturday’s meeting.

“That’s okay,” Ember smiled, mysteriously. “I can promise you that it won’t eat flowers any more at all.”

Danny and Johnny both choked at that.

“That explains the wraith dwarfs,” Johnny whispered.

“Hmm-hmm,” Danny agreed, knowing not to get involved in this argument.

“We have a far worse problem,” Ember said. “I saw Skulker flying past Hellohat this morning.”

“What?!” Danny’s green eyes flared a brighter emerald. “He’s also been skulking around the northern fjords that border Leafling and Zodia. I think he’s after the star-holts’ ivory.”

Johnny 13 scowled. “He could be anywhere in the Archipelago!”

Kitty scratched her head. “How many islands are there?”

Danny shook his head. “I haven’t the foggiest,” he replied. “I really don’t know anything about the islands until I step foot on them. The knowledge just…comes to me.”

Ember nodded. “It’s the same thing with me. I think the House might know. Danny, you are the only one who can enter it.”

Phantom turned towards the other two. “Can you distract Skulker, while I find a way to activate the defenses?”

Johnny grinned and cracked his knuckles. “Sure thing. Come on, kitten.”

Ember pulled out her guitar. “Meanwhile, if he shows up here, I’ll play him a mean tune.”

Danny laughed and pecked her on the cheek.

“And we’ll keep an eye out for Sam and Tucker,” Kitty added to Danny’s surprise. “Sorry, Clockwork sent word yesterday. I forgot to tell you.”

“I wish he’d allow my family to visit,” Danny said, eyes downcast. “It’s been two years already.”

“Phantom, we’ve been around this ring before,” Johnny told him. “And before I forget, Clockwork also said to expect the new guardian today.”

“Who?” Ember asked.

Johnny made a face. “Youngblood,” he answered. “He’ll be guarding the Archipelago’s perimeter.”

“The Teardrops,” Danny answered, naming the small chain of islands that ringed the star isles. “Makes sense,” he added, turning to enter the House.

“Danny, wait!” Ember called to him, grabbing his arm.

“What?” he started to ask, when she pressed her lips to his. There was no exchange of energy.

He froze, then pushed her away. “Please, Ember, not now, ” he pleaded.

Ember wore a sad expression on her face as he phased into the nearest wall of the House. “You’ll have to choose sometime, dipstick,” she murmured to herself, before taking up her battle position, guitar in hand.

Authors Note:

Here are the isles of the Archipelago as known so far:

Hellohat (West)–Ember’s base of operations; mostly deep forest, surrounded by the Rivers of Flame; main flora (fire-based flowering plants); main fauna (goblin-unicorns)

Tyria (island in the South and East)–where Kitty and Johnny meet for their trysts; has towering old-growth forests, deep canyons, towering cliffs, and majestic waterfalls; main flora (vast old-growth forests); main fauna (wraith dwarfs)

Leafling and Zodia (North)–northern islands near the fjords; main flora (rare fruit called ice stars); main fauna (woolcats, star-holts, whales, starry spinyfish, ice birds, and other exotic undersea life); short growing season; mostly desert ice fields

Um (West)–where Danny visits with Ember; not much is known about it, except it has a tundra-like climate

The House (Heart Core and Centralmost Isle of the Archipelago)–looks like an ordinary house, just without windows; Danny is the only one who can enter its walls

The Teardrops–a small chain of islands that encircle the Archipelago

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